#1: Who am I? Answering all your Cavoodle Questions!

Hi! Welcome to the Cavoodle Coach Podcast - Rebooted!

I am so excited you're here, sharing my love for Cavoodles. I first started this podcast back in 2022 and have since had a hiatus of over a year. During this time, I have further developed my Cavoodle Breeding Program, here in Brisbane, Australia, while also launching some online Cavoodle courses -> Oodleway: Puppy Prep, Puppy Train & Home Groom. 

To kick off this new season of the Podcast, I wanted to answer all of YOUR questions. So I reached out to my audience on Instagram and asked them what they wanted to know. Here's what I've answered in this episode: 


  1. How can you say you have x amount of years experience when you yourself are so young?
  2. Tell us about the most rewarding aspects of breeding for you as an individual? How has your work shaped you as a person?
  3. What is the single most difficult element of breeding such high value puppies?
  4. Do you find other breeders of individuals in your industry are supporting each other to do well or is it a matter where everyone is only interested in themselves? How can we encourage more open dialogue within the industry?
  5. Would you be open to being a mentor for a new breeder?
  6. How do you breed the puppies in your home and contain the smell? Especially when they start eating and pooping on their own?
  7. What items would you recommend for birthing?
  8. Advice you would give another breeder looking to grow and expand the business but is stuck?
  9. How do you test the temperament when picking up a puppy?
  10. Is there a possibility that in the future you might breed F1 Cavoodles as well as F1bs?
  11. How do you effectively screen your puppy families & what do you do if communication deteriorates?


  1. How do you keep your Cavoodle’s eyes clean?
  2. My dog doesn’t like when I groom his face. Any tips on how I can get him used to it?
  3. My puppy is always hungry! How do I know if I’m feeding him enough?
  4. Have you heard of the two does vaccination? Seems like a new thing (I could be wrong) thoughts?
  5. I’m moving across the world with my Cavoodle, any tips to make sure they’re safe?


  1. My 15wk old Cavoodle is turning into a bit of a barker. How do I change this behaviour?
  2. Can you talk about crate training and how to increase their time in there happily?
  3. Any tips for teaching good recall skills? Struggling at the moment

As always, these answers were off the top of my head and I always strive to be as open & honest as I can. I hope that they are helpful to you and the stage you are in with raising your Cavoodle.


