#20 I've Had An Anxious Cavoodle & These Are The Mistakes We Made In His Training vs For My Non-Anxious Cavoodles
I wanted to step back in time a little bit today and chat about how my experience with working in a Veterinary Clinic, Grooming Salon, Training Organisation and as a Breeder has shaped my approach to coaching Cavoodles. From having a Cavoodle who suffered severe anxiety to raising many who have been confident, calm and anxiety free, my goal in life is to help more families experience this joy of an easy puppy!
- Essential 1st Month Cavoodle Puppy Planner Program: https://www.oodleway.co/cavoodlepuppyplanner
- My Home Grooming Course: https://www.oodleway.co/home-groom
- My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oodleway
- My TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@oodleway
- My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@oodleway