#37 PART ONE: 10 Mistakes Families Make When Getting A Cavoodle
If you've never had a puppy before, it can be so overwhelming when they first come home and without understanding how your decisions and behaviours can negatively affect your Cavoodle's demeanour, it's very easy for families to unintentionally create lifelong behavioural issues. Today's episode is being split into PART ONE & PART TWO as I step you through 10 easy mistakes families make with their new puppies. Make sure you subscribe to my podcast and turn on notifications to be the first one notified of PART TWO!
- My Essential 1st Month Cavoodle Puppy Planner Program: https://www.oodleway.co/cavoodlepuppyplanner
- My Home Grooming Course: https://www.oodleway.co/home-groom
- My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oodleway
- My TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@oodleway
- My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@oodleway