#40 Do Puppies Grow Out Of Naughty Behaviours?

  • "My puppy won't stop biting but it's okay, they'll grow out of it."
  • "My puppy keeps jumping all over my kids and visitors! But they're just excited and will grow out of it once they're no longer a puppy."
  • "My puppy won't slow down and rest but they're just a puppy and still learning. They'll grow out of it when they're an adult!"
  • "My puppy won't listen to me but it's okay, I'll train them once they're older."

Do any of these phrases sound familiar to you? Maybe you share some of these beliefs and that's okay. It's a common misconception that puppies behave in a certain way because of their age and once they get older, they grow out of it. 

Unfortunately, it's not this simple and I'm sharing the reality of "naughty puppy behaviour" in today's episode and how we need to be addressing it.